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Well Hello There, Gorgeous!

You're here to get HELP. To learn more about running this crazy business, because chances are when you started your business, it was because you wanted to CREATE. Not spend a million hours on the other things you have to do, am I right?
Check out some freebies below, to start learning the skills you need to become the badass business owner you want to be!
If you are like BROOKE I just need to know everything - I gotchu. Click here to subscribe and get advance notice of new freebies, training and more!
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Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the MOST under-utilized marketing strategies for creatives. It can change your business and help you get that calendar BOOKED SOLID! 

Click for 50 Free Email Content Ideas

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SEO Help

Yes I know. SEO can be scary. But the reality is that it can bring you to the FRONT of the search results so that your ideal clients can find you, and book you! Click for a free checklist.

If you'd like to learn more about the SEO course, click here.

YES - Send Me the Checklist!

About Pages

Your About Page is one of the MOST important pages on your website! Does yours speak to your ideal clients so they connect with who you are and what you do, and BOOK you?

Click for my Free About Pages MasterClass!

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Need Templates?

The shop is OFFICIALLY open, although not quite complete yet. But if you need templates for order forms, email templates, questionnaires or workflow - come on over!

PS - when the official launch happens, anyone on the email list will get a special discount, so you'll want to make sure you're on the list. Just sayin'.

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50% Complete

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